“Save the world with media education?!” will be the main thematic of the 39th Forum Kommunikationskultur organized by GMK (Germany).
As media educators, you are invited to join the 2 days-conference on 18th and 19th November 2022. It will take place at the Clara Hoffbauer University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam near Berlin.
How can media education contribute to a better life and accompany elementary social or ecological transformation processes? It is important to link up with the media-infused lifeworlds and cultures. Children, young people and adults must be enabled to face the changes in society, our actions and thinking and to use media creatively and critically.
On Friday 18 November 2022 4 pm, there will be a workshop in English language: “International projects are looking for common goals and ways for working together”.
On Thursday 24 November 2022 you may participate at an online-webinar. The speaker will be Alexandre Le Voci Sayad, from Brazil. He is international co-chairman of UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance and board member of the International Council for Media Literacy and founded a company which is called ZeitGeist. ZeitGeist – Education, Culture and Media believes that education and must always be connected with the spirit of its time – this is the meaning of the term in German.
His Lecture “For a creative and unorthodox media education” is about how media education must address creativity, creating awareness for the risks, but also the opportunities of the contemporary. One such initiative entitled “City, Art and Media” proposes to understand how the city and the media can educate together with the classroom. So, the contemporary role of the educator becomes the role of a provocateur, mediator and conductor of this unorthodox form of media education.
To follow the workshop : Thursday 24 th Nov. 2022 14:30 – 16:00
Meeting-ID: 852 5171 8989
Kenncode: 362948
More info: https://www.gmk-net.de/veranstaltungen/39-forum-kommunikationskultur-2022