IAME founding members come from Belgium, Italy, France, Germany and Romania.
While implementing European projects, our founding members have exchanged and shared their knowledge with great results. They have extensive experience in media literacy science, research and practical work. Together they founded IAME in 2017 and they form the management board of the association.
- Associazione italiana per l’Educazione ai Media e alla Comunicazione – MED (Italy)
- Brumder-Bevort Evelyne (France)
- Centre d’étude pour les jeunes et les médias (France)
- Falconi Alessandra (Italy)
- Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur – GMK (Germany)
- Institut des hautes études en communication sociale – IHECS ASBL (Belgium)
- Média Animation (Belgium)
- Associata Mediawise Society (Romania)
Full list of our members
Belgium-Senior consultant cinéma, media and society. Image and narration of the social issues. -Member of the Superior Council in Medialiteracy (Fédération Wallonie…
Switzerlandmedia education with people with disabilities, film education, virtual reality, media and violence, media and addiction
RomaniaAlfamedia is a non profit organization created in Madrid, Spain, dedicated to the promotion of the media literacy in Spain.
RomaniaI am a graduate of British cultural studies finishing up a PhD thesis on digital media and Shakespeare. I have researched and taught media studies subjects and …