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Nicoleta Fotiade is the new president of the association

In January 2023 the board appointed Nicoleta Fotiade as new President of the Association.

Nicoleta Fotiade

‘When I entered the international community of media education I was just a young woman eager to learn everything about media literacy. And indeed all that knowledge and skills developed, my colleagues’ support and advice were duly used to promote media education in my country at grassroots level. 

Fifteen year later, I am honoured to have been elected President of the International Association of Media Education (IAME), which was set up for this very aim – to help media educators around the world come together, learn from each other, collaborate with each other to eventually build a community of practice that will further media education in their local and national contexts.

We are still gathering the ranks and the two years pandemic was an impediment. But with the years to come, I am confident that IAME will succeed in becoming a stronger voice in the promotion of media education worldwide. Especially, for all those people in the local communities who stubbornly do their useful work at grassroots level, contribute to social change but are less seen.

For 2023 onward I wish we stop limiting the discussion around media literacy to resilience to fake news, stop using media literacy as a short-term solution for media harms, but invest in a more holistic approach of media education.

I very much appreciate and would like to thank my colleagues in the Board for their support in this journey. I would also like to thank Mrs. Evelyne Bevort for her steady commitment as  President of IAME during all these years since the beginning.

Have a great new year and let us set new horizons together! Societies need their media educators!’

by Nicoleta Fotiade

Messages of support from two of the best-known voices in media education worldwide:

I’m very pleased to learn that Nicoleta will be the new President of IAME. She has wide-ranging knowledge of the challenges that face media educators at the grassroots level, as well as a sophisticated, critical understanding of the bigger picture. I’m sure she will be a committed organiser and campaigner for media educators internationally. Onwards and upwards!’ 

by Professor David Buckingham

I am thrilled to learn about Nicoleta’s new leadership role and it’s true that she now faces a great opportunity and an important task ahead.  Based on my experience working with her, I am confident that she has all the knowledge, skills, and dedication she needs to take IAME to the next level of its capacity — to advance the common interests of the global community of media literacy educators. Congratulations, Nicoleta — this honor is so well deserved!

by Prof. Renee Hobbs

Nicoleta Fotiade is an expert in Communications and media education trainer and advocate. She spent the last 20 years managing media education grassroots programs for civil society organizations in Romania and Europe. 

She strongly believes that media literacy is a life skill and that media education should be taught to empower students to have a critical understanding about how media work and their impact on their everyday life. 

She is co-founder and President of Mediawise Society, a media education resource center in Romania (mediawise.ro). She has been teaching media literacy education to final year BA Pedagogy students at the University of Bucharest for the last 6 years and training teachers and librarians to include media education in their communities. 

Nicoleta is one of the founding members of IAME and has participated actively in the Board of Members since its foundation.

Nicoleta Fotiade therefore takes over the role that Evelyne Bévort has had since the creation of the association.

New composition of the IAME board

During the General Assembly organized on 29th September 2022, all 9 candidates for the renewal of IAME board were elected. So far, in addition to Nicoleta Fotiade, the new IAME board is currently composed by :

ANDZONGO Blaise Pascal, representing Eduk-Media, Cameroon

  • President of the Cameroon Media Education Association (EDUK- MEDIA)
  • Central African Coordinator of the YouVerify! Project funded by the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) and piloted by Savoir*Devenir (France)
  • Co-coordinator of one of the 6 twinning projects of the initiatives against disinformation, financed by the OIF
  • Physical education and sports teacher
  • Temporary teacher at the University of Yaoundé 1 and at the National Institute of Youth and Sports (INJS – Cameroon)


Knowing the role of the Board in guiding the vision of IAME, I would be truly honoured to contribute and have Africa represented.
I am the founder of the Cameroon Media Education Association (Eduk-Media). The recognition of our work in the field of Media and Information Literacy (MIL), engaged since 2017, has led to me coordinating a component of the European Union-funded Coronavirusfacts project related to the fight against misinformation and online hate speech. I am currently the Central African coordinator of the IOF-funded YouVerify! project and also the co-coordinator of one of the IOF-funded twinning projects on the fight against disinformation. These experiences within my association have allowed me to develop a strong knowledge on the issue of MIL.
As a volunteer, team player and innovator, I feel qualified to participate in this Council. Furthermore, the idea of seeing IAME become a strong organisation with a worldwide presence, and in Africa in particular, is what I am looking for as a challenge. To this end, I will contribute my experience and skills to the success of this project.

BRUMDER-BEVORT Evelyne, France

The Board members warmly thank Evelyne for her time devoted to IAME as President. She remains a member of the board.

Evelyne BRUMDER BEVORT, agrégée en sciences sociales, was first a high school teacher during 10 years, used to work with media education . She worked after in CLEMI in France and became its deputy director during 25 years.
She developped a dynamic and efficient international activities department, absolutely convinced of the strategical aspect of exchanging, debating and working together , especiallywith the help of different organisations as UNESCO, Council of Europe and European Commission.
Author and co-author of many articles or books linked to media education, in particular the training programme for Media and Information Literacy published by UNESCO…


I have the pleasure to present my candidature for a last mandate as member
of the administration board of IAME as a private person.
My motivation is to be part of the development of this important NGO in Europe and out of Europe
building strong and realistic projects in order to obtain official reknowleges of Media Education Literacy,
especially in these times of strong changes within Media and Information.

CAPPELLO Gianna, representing MED, Italy

Associate Professor of Sociology of Education and Digital media, Sociology of Digital media, Social Media Studies. Gianna Cappello coordinates Internationa Research Projects, among them:
• Local coordinator of the EU HORIZON project SMOOTH-Educational Spaces. Passing through enclosures and reversing inequalities. Call: H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2020, DG/Agency: REA. (2021-2024)
• Local coordinator of the EU project STATUS – Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students. (programme ERASMUS+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education) (2022-2025)
• Local coordinator of the EU Project eMerge. e-Media Education Education about Representations and Gender, (Programme ERASMUS+, Key Action 2). (2020-2023)
• Local coordinator of the EU project COMMIT-COMMunIcation campaign against exTremism and radicalisation. Call: ISFP-2018-AG-CT-CSEP (Programme: ISFP, DG/Agency: HOME). (2019-2022)
She also coordinates National Research Projetcs, among them:
• Coordinator of the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project
• Local coordinator of the project A.C.T. Arte, cultura e territorio per il contrasto alla povertà educativa, funded by the Fondazione Impresa Sociale con i Bambini (2020-2023)
• Coordinator of the impact evaluation of the project Comunità educante-Zisa Danisinni, funded by Fondazione Impresa Sociale con i Bambini (2020-2023)
• Coordinator of the project Educare all’informazione, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education (2019- 2022)
After receiving approval from MED’s board, I present my candidacy for the Board of IAME (2022- 2025). I would like to continue and further improve my commitment in the pursuit of IAME’s activities. In particular, I would like to give my contribution to improve IAME’s activities in three areas:

International networking with media educators and media education’s organization around the world

Fund raising with special regards to media education projects

Organization of training events, seminars, conferences, both online and in presence.

DE THEUX Paul, representing Media Animation, Belgium

  • Director of Média Animation asbl since 2012
  • President of the Higher Council for Media Education of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation since 2020
  • Member of the boards of PointCulture and Action Média Jeunes
  • Member of WE MEDIA
  • Member of the André Delvaux Teaching Academy
  • Higher education courses at UCLouvain and IHECS:
  • Lecturer at IHECS in Master in media education: Pedagogical techniques in media education and Bac1: Introduction to new media
  • Lecturer at UCLouvain in Aggregation school: Communication of scientific knowledge
  • Pedagogical assistant at UCLouvain: Master in history: Cultural mediation of knowledge in history


On the occasion of the renewal of IAME’s Board of Directors, I am communicating my candidacy to renew my mandate as representative of the asbl Média Animation within the Board of Directors of the association. My motivation to contribute to IAME’s project has been constantly confirmed since the creation of the association, in which I participated in November 2016, until today, by hosting the headquarters of the aisbl and by providing the human resources essential to its proper functioning.
IAME is still a young non-profit organisation that should be able to develop its activities, its resources and its role within the media education sector. I wish to participate in the development of its project and enable it to achieve its objectives, which require a constant and long-term investment. This is why I wish to continue to participate in the board of directors of the association.

LEONIDA Maria, Greece

Maria Leonida is a documentary film director, co-founder and Director at Karpos, Centre for Education and Intercultural Communication, a non profit organisation (est.2008, www.karposontheweb.org) running Greek and European media and film literacy projects. She is a senior trainer in various EU projects and develops educational materials on the creative and critical aspects of media tools and expression for a range of learners in and outside schools.


I was present at the first IAME Seminar in Lucca and it was a pleasure to be there in person to meet and see a new small but knowledgable community. Both me and others felt that it would be a good initiative as we often think that our filed is undefined and unmapped. Desire for co existence, exchange and faith to research and knowledge were clear in those few days that we shared. I must say that a few attendants, including myself , felt that a stronger “signature” or some decisive plan was still not mature or ready. I have not been very faithfull in following all IAME news and procedures, but I still have a curiosity and belief that there is space for action. The vague borders and assumptions between Media Literacy, MIL, Media Education and Film Education could possibly form a clear connecting point which should become more attractive for a larger audience and members. I believe IAME should find and state what it can offer to- and gain from- these members and become a unifying spot.

PIELSTICKER Anja, representing the GMK Association, Germany

Anja Pielsticker is a media educator working at the Association for Media Education, Media Literacy and Communication Culture (registered, non-profit organisation). She has designed the work for different target groups in different projects, created new projects, designed media educational materials, moderated events and hosted the podcast “Raw and Uncut – 11 Medienpädagogik”. In 2019 they created the #DigitalCheckNRW (www.digitalcheck.nrw), which she has been in charge as project manager. It is now available in four other languages. (English, Russian, Arabic, Turkish).

As a representative of the Association for Media Education, Media Literacy and Communication Culture, I would like to contribute my expertise as a media educator. Through my many years of work in the Association and also as a media educator, I know many different projects, people and institutions. I am convinced that we can use the international network IAME to strengthen and support media education, promotion of media skills and digital participation for all. Creating something new together and inspiring and connecting people drives me. Networking with other people is very important to me. Bringing people with their different expertise together, learning from and with each other is the basic of social interaction and has had a huge impact on my profession as a media educator. In media education projects, everyone finds a place according to their potential and can get involved. And that’s how I see the world. I have visions, creativity and am a networker in my networks and would like to support the network with my expertise and my passion.

VERNIERS Patrick, Belgium

Patrick VERNIERS is Director of the Higher Council for Media Education (CSEM – Conseil Supérieur de l’Education aux Médias) attached to the Ministry of the Brussels Wallonia Federation in Belgium. He was successively Vice-President and President of CSEM between 2009 and 2020.

His professional experiences led him to teach media education through the creation and coordination of the first Master’s degree in media education at the Institut des Hautes Ecoles des Communications Sociales in Brussels (IHECS) , in co-diplomation with UCLouvain (Catholic University of Louvain-la-neuve). (between 2013 and 2020). Author and co-author of educational resources specializing in media education, he has experiences in training adults, teachers and youth workers.
During 15 years, he was director of a media education resources center in Brussels.

Guest lecturer at the UCLouvain school of communication for more than 15 years, he has been in charge of various courses in socio-educational communication.

Coordinator and initiator of several European and international media education projects and networks, he is a member of the European Commission’s media education expert group (MLEG) since 2008 and has carried out several expert missions for the Council of Europe. He participated in the creation of the international association for media education (IAME) for which he is an administration board member.


I have the pleasure to present myself as candidate for a new mandate as member of the administration board.
My motivation is in line with my involvement in the association since the foundation of IAME, as administration board member representing IHECS.
Today, I present my candidacy as a private person, effective member of the association.
I intend to contribute to the development of the association trying to build connections between media educators at international level.
I intend to participate actively to the administration board’s work as far as my agenda suits.

WATHELET Emmanuel, representing IHECS, Belgium

Emmanuel Wathelet, PhD in Information and Communication and former journalist, is Lecturer at the IHECS (Institut des hautes études des communications sociales) and President of the Master in Media Literacy, IHECS.


As Chair of the Master’s Degree in Media Education at IHECS, I am applying today to become a member of the IAME Management Board. I am committed to continuing the mission of my predecessors who, on behalf of the institution I represent today, founded the association. The stakes in media education go far beyond borders: it has never been so important to build together powerful networks and dynamics of support, reflection, research and projects that meet those needs.