Alireza Salehi-Nejad
Alireza Salehi-Nejad is a multidisciplinary researcher at University of Technology Sydney. He is a non-resident researcher at the Cyberspace Research Policy Center at University of Tehran, and serves in several capacities, including as the Executive Director of the International Association of Communication in Healthcare, an Executive Committee member of the UNESCO Chair on Cyberspace & Culture (UCCC), Ethics Committee Co-Chair of the Linguistic Society of America, and Head of the Academic Integrity Surveys Working Group of the European Network for Academic Integrity. Alireza collaborates with UNESCO, the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), and other key stakeholders to advance media and information literacy (MIL). Since 2018, Alireza has served as the Executive Chair of the annual Media & Information Literacy Seminars, organized in collaboration with the UCCC and the University of Tehran. Additionally, he was a member of the International Organizing Committee for MIL Week in 2020 and 2022.