The recently revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) strengthens the role of Media literacy. It requires Member States to promote and take measures for the development of media literacy skills. In view of the central role played by video-sharing platforms in giving access to audiovisual content and the resulting societal responsibility, the revised AVMSD also obliges video-sharing platforms to provide for effective media literacy measures and tools. Moreover, platforms are required to raise users’ awareness of these measures and tools.

IAME received Audrius Perkauskas, Deputy Head of Unit, Audiovisual and Media Policy at European Commission during our Master Class event in Brussels on 2nd September 2019 to present and discuss with our members about the European commission’s Media Literacy initiatives and priorities.
„Key actions led by DG Connect: Promote media literacy“, a presentation by Audrius Perkauskas, Deputy Head of Unit, Audiovisual and Media Policy at European Commission
This presentation reflects the views of the European Commission, IAME cannot be held responsible for this content.
1. Life-long development of critical and digital competences is crucial to reinforce the resilience to disinformation.
- New AVMSD and its legal obligations
- European Week of Media Literacy with the aim of raising awareness and support cross-border cooperation amongst relevant organisations
- Ongoing Media Literacy Expert Group (next on 20 or 26 November 2019)
- Promote the inclusion of media literacy within the educational programmes in cooperation with OECD
- Fact-checkers and civil society organisations to provide educational material to schools and educators
2. Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD)
- New legal obligation for Member States to “promote and take measures for the development of media literacy skills” (Article 33a).
- Obligation for video-sharing platforms to provide “for effective media literacy measures and tools and rais[e] users’ awareness of these measures and tools” (Article 28b(3)(j)).
- ERGA to exchange best practices
- Reporting obligation for Member States
— > Transposition period constitutes a unique opportunity for Member States to strengthen media literacy measures in their national frameworks
3. Promoting Media Literacy on a local level
- First edition of the European Media Literacy Week (18 – 22 March 2019)
- Highlighting different existing initatives at regional and national level
- More than 320 events took place all over Europe
— > All actors of the media ecosystem have an important role to play
4. Pilot Project – Media Literacy for All
- Total of 1.5 million EUR invested in 10 innovative projects
- Pilot Project for 2019 is ongoing with a budget of 500.000 EUR
5. Code of Practice on Disinformation
- Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Mozilla, EDIMA
- IAB Europe, EACA
- Signatories subscribe to commitments pertinent to their services
- Close monthly monitoring by the Commission in the run-up to the EU elections (January – May 2019)
- Commission’s full review in Fall 2019, with the assistance of national audio-visual regulators (ERGA).
- Depending on the results, further action may be recommended, including regulatory or co-regulatory measures
6. Support to fact-checkers and researchers
- The Commission is supporting the creation of a multidisciplinary community of independent European fact checkers and academic researchers
- 1st phase: Facilitate the creation of an independent European network of fact-checkers – The Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis (SOMA)
- 2nd phase: Strengthen capacities to identify and expose disinformation threats targeting national audiences and facilitate cross-border cooperation – The European Platform on Disinformation