The International Association for Media Education (IAME) is pleased to invite you to its first webinar in a series on media education and related topics. We will start with a topic that has become ever more important in the context of media convergence, the social media status as content creators and the people’s changing habits of getting informed. IAME takes the opportunity to build a stronger sense of community among IAME members and to discuss together the new challenges in media education.
DATE: Thursday 9th of July at 3PM CET
DURATION: 60 minutes
People’s relationship with information media has changed ever since the emergence of the Internet and social media, in particular. It seems people’s attention span got shorter. They tend to skim through online information rather than read it carefully or verify it before sharing online. Social media are perceived as content creators and being blamed to promote fake news. Journalists’ role as gatekeepers of information seems to have diminished.
In this very particular context, the role of journalism in our everyday life seems to have regained its importance. We will try to look further into its relationship with media education together with prof. David Buckingham and Tudor Mușat, Romanian journalist involved in media education actions. Our colleague at IAME, Nicoleta Fotiade will moderate the discussion.
Here are some of the starting questions we will try to answer: How can media education enable people to become critical, informed readers of journalism? How is this changing in what some are calling a ‘post-truth’ age? How can journalists get involved in media education actions? What are the limits and markers to be promoted?
Pr. David Buckingham, expert in Media Education, UK

David Buckingham is an Emeritus Professor of Media and Communications at Loughborough University, and a Visiting Professor at Kings College, London University, UK. His research has focused on children and young people’s interactions with electronic media, and on media literacy education. He has directed more than 25 research projects on these issues, including several EC-funded projects, and been a consultant for bodies such as UNESCO, the United Nations, Ofcom, and the UK government. His books include Beyond Technology: Children’s Learning in the Age of Digital Culture; The Material Child: Growing Up in Consumer Culture; and The Civic Web: Young People, the Internet and Civic Participation. His most recent book is The Media Education Manifesto. His website and blog are at:
Tudor Mușat, journalist, Romania

Tudor Mușat is a broadcast journalist with more than 20 years of experience. Currently a TV anchor at B1 TV news station and interviewer at Europa FM national radio network, Tudor was previously a talk-show host and anchor at Digi24, Realitatea TV, Radio Total and Realitatea FM. He was also a broadcast journalist and producer at BBC World Service in London.
He has a very good knowledge of politics and current affairs, interviewing most of the newsmakers and is often asked to be a moderator of public events and conferences.
Along with PR expert Ana Maria Diceanu, Tudor is the co-author of a media literacy program for students in high schools started in 2016.
Nicoleta Fotiade

Nicoleta Fotiade is a media literacy educator, researcher and advocate in the media and communication field for more than 17 years. She co-authored two media literacy textbooks for high school, more than 20 media research studies and several other open education materials for teachers and students. Nicoleta works with Mediawise Society, a media education training center in Bucharest and she also teaches media education to final year BA Pedagogy students at the University of Bucharest. She is co-founder and member of the Board of IAME. Nicoleta holds a Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Westminster in London, UK and she earned her BA in Journalism at the Superior School of Journalism in Bucharest.
This webinar has already taken place. Please visit this site for information about our future events.
IAME will organise an online program of events in 2020. The objective is to organise a sequence of webinars and to open them to other languages.
Only IAME members can organise a webinar, but everyone can attend IAME’s webinars (non-members included). Panel of each webinar should be composed of 2 to 4 people maximum and webinar should last maximum 1h30 (questions and answers with public included).
Interested in? Write us on [email protected]n.