Willing to meet peers from other countries to debate media education issues?
After our summer school in Lucca last year, IAME will organize its second international meeting on 2 and 3 September 2019 in Brussels in the form of master classes.
IAME Master Classes 2019: Media Education, politics and society
Media education is more and more conveyed in the public debate either at national and international level. Links and bridges between our sector, society challenges and political issues are obviously important. This event offers the opportunity to explore and debate core and actual challenges, opportunities and threats related to Media education.
The annual event of our association is organized around core topics in a Master Class format. This format is not only having an input from a selected set of high level experts, but also the possibility to discover, explore and discuss these core topics in an interactive and dynamic format. During the 2 days, you will have the opportunity to participate in 2 different Master Classes. The agenda will also offer the possibility to discover and interact with EU commission representative around new initiatives.
And of course, it will give the opportunity to share your projects and initiatives, socialize with the members and also identify further developments for our association.
We already welcome you in the historical heart of Brussels !
Master Class A: Big Data, Internet of Toys and The Privacy Paradox : Great Opportunity or Privacy Nightmare?
Moderator: Gianna Cappello – Expert: Stephane Chaudron
This Master Class will be held in English on Monday 2 September .
Internet-connected Toys (IoToys), like any other Internet of Things (IoT) devices, contain embedded electronic and computing features, such as microphones, cameras, sensors of various kinds that enable them to interact with users and adapt to their actions. They can record, store, analyze and share all sorts of data: sound, images, movements, localities or even body parameters, depending on their configuration. If IoToys can offer new, important opportunities to children for play, learning, health and educational support, to mention a few, they also raise questions about safety, security, privacy, trust and other fundamental rights of children. Indeed, IoToys, like any internet connected device, participate in fueling data within the large caldron of the “Big data” and provide raw material to algorithmic technologies for behavioral and preferences analyses and profiling. In this masterclass, presented and moderated by Stephane Chaudron and Chris Pinchen, you will learn how the internet landscape is changing, how privacy perception and privacy behavior can be paradoxical and what the elements that matters in the equation are. Through hands-on and game based activities, you will learn how to protect your online privacy, to avoid “algorithmic bubbles” and what are the important parameters and tools to be considered for detecting disinformation and fake news. Finally, the masterclass will be an occasion to reflect on what digital literacy should embrace and what recommendations could be made to policy makers to empower digital citizens and protect their fundamental rights in the digital world.
Stéphane Chaudron works on research projects dedicated to (Young) Digital Citizens’ Security and Safety at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Her background is in Social Geography and Science Pedagogy. She has been for years in charge of the coordination of large European Research Networks dedicated to e-Safety, new media education, Standardization and Science Teaching Education (UCLouvain, Imperial College London, European Schoolnet). She has been in charge of the coordination of EC’s research project ‘Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology’ since 2014. She contributed to the development of the Happy Onlife toolkit raising awareness on internet risks and opportunities and of Cyber Chronix, an edutainment on Digital rights. Recently she undertook research focusing on security and safety of the Internet of Toys and explores the effect of the digital transformation on the concept of Identity, on the way users manage (or not) their personal data.

Master Class B: Defining and evaluating media literacy as competences based on different frameworks
Moderator: Paul de Theux – Expert: Pierre Fastrez.
This Master Class will be held in English on Monday 2 September.
Although the media education and media literacy community has long agreed on a standard definition for media literacy (Aufderheide & Firestone, 1993), there seems to be little agreement of what competences media literacy specifically consists in, or even on the fact that media literacy is indeed a (set of) competence(s). The master class will cover the topic of how digital and media literacy has been defined in terms of competences or skills in the literature, by reviewing several existing definitions and frameworks (e.g. Carretero Gomez, Vuorikari, & Punie, 2017; Fastrez, 2010; Jenkins, Purushotma, Clinton, Weigel, & Robison, 2006; Mioduser, Nachmias, & Forkosh-Baruch, 2008; van Dijk & van Deursen, 2014). The different organizing principles in the frameworks will be highlighted in order to compare and contrast their overall logic, and to assess their usefulness in the evaluation of media literacy. Participants will then be invited to apply one or several of these frameworks to one media education/media literacy initiative from their own professional context.
The Masterclass will consist in a lecture and a workshop. The lecture will be dedicated to the introduction of the issue of defining and evaluating media literacy as competences, and to the review of reference frameworks. The workshop will have small groups of participants work on the application of the frameworks to their own media education/media literacy projects.
Pierre Fastrez is a Senior Research Associate of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research and a Professor at the School of Communication (COMU) and the Center for Research in Communication (RECOM) of the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium).
He has studied the influence of information and communication technologies on the cognitive activities they support, before developing an interest in media literacy research. His work in this area first focused on the conceptual definition of media literacy in terms of competences. His research projects now articulate an evaluative and experimental approach, involving the design and use of performance tests in complex tasks, and a qualitative and interpretive approach dedicated to the inference of media competences from the study of media practices. He is also interested in the relationship between individuals’ levels of media literacy and their ability to appropriate contemporary environmental issues through the media. He is a member of the Higher Council for Media Education of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

Master Class C: Between Protection and Social Scoring – How does Media Education relate to Control and Regulation?
Moderator: Ida Pöttinger – Introduction: Jürgen Lauffer
Experts: Benjamin Thull & Prof. Dr. Andreas Büsch.
This Master Class will be held in English on Tuesday 3 September.
In this master class, two issues of media regulation will be discussed: New efforts in the area of child protection as well as official and covert assessments of individuals. Are commercial services really to blame even when governments collect data to evaluate individuals? There are more and more rating systems (e.g. in China) which influence the social situation of users. Behind the different types of assessment and restriction are cultural and ethical principles which media educators should be aware of.
In this master class, two issues of media regulation will be discussed: New efforts in the area of child protection as well as official and covert assessments of individuals. Are commercial services really to blame even when governments collect data to evaluate individuals? There are more and more rating systems (e.g. in China) which influence the social situation of users. Behind the different types of assessment and restriction are cultural and ethical principles which media educators should be aware of.
Benjamin Thull studied media science at the universities of Mannheim and Trier. He is currently working as an expert on protection of minors at the Media Authority of Baden-Württemberg (Germany). He is also a member of the subgroup on protection of minors of the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA).
Prof. Dr. Andreas Büsch holds a professorship for media education and communication sciences at the Catholic University of Mainz. He is head of the Clearing House for Media Competence of the German Bishops’ Conference and was co-editor of the journal Communicatio Socialis from 2013 to 2016.
He is an expert regarding media ethical questions.

Master Class D: Global Efforts in Media Literacy: Challenges and Opportunities: international perspectives
Moderator: Evelyne Brumder-Bevort – Experts : Carolyn Wilson & Tessa Jolls. This Master Class will be held in English on Tuesday 3 September.
This presentation will provide an overview of current global initiatives and trends in media literacy education. These include UNESCO’s efforts to promote “media and information literacy (MIL)”, and the work of GAPMIL – the UNESCO-initiated Global Alliance on Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy. The Master Class will also explore work being done in Canada which has played a major role in UNESCO’s efforts. In addition, the presentation will highlight some of the topics identified by Canadian educators as having particular relevance and urgency for young people today, and which highlight the importance of a response rooted in the critical framework of media literacy. Finally, the Master Class will conclude with a discussion of 5 Core Principles that underpin media literacy initiatives both in Canada and around the world, and that have applications to both present and future work in the field of media literacy.
Carolyn Wilson is an award-winning educator, author and consultant, and a Lecturer in Teacher Education at Western University, Canada. Carolyn is the Chair of the Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL), an alliance of over 500 organizations from 110 countries.
In 2018, Carolyn received awards from the National Telemedia Council in the United States, and the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, for her 30-year contribution to the field of media literacy. Carolyn has also been recognized by the Canadian Prime Minister and the Government of Canada, for her “pioneering” global work in media literacy and global education.

Tessa Jolls has served as President and CEO of the Center for Media Literacy (Los Angeles) since 1999. In 2019, she served as a Fulbright Specialist in Bulgaria, and has received the Fulbright NATO Security Study Award in Brussels for fall. She has been appointed as a Visiting Scholar with the University of Latvia, UCLouvain and American University/Brussels. In 2015, she received the Global Media and Information Literacy Award, in recognition of her work in Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, from the UNESCO-initiated Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL), in cooperation with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).

Detailed agenda
Sunday 1st September 2019
Optional activity: meeting point on Grand’Place of Brussels on 7pm for a walk around the city center. Interested? Write us on [email protected].
Monday 2nd September 2019
– 9:00: Welcome Registration
– 9:30 – 10:00: General introduction, welcome, presentation
– 10 :00 – 10:50: European commission’s Media Literacy initiatives and priorities
With Anna Herold: Head of Unit, Audiovisual and Media Policy at European Commission
Moderation: Patrick Verniers
The recently revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) strengthens the role of Media literacy. It requires Member States to promote and take measures for the development of media literacy skills. In view of the central role played by video-sharing platforms in giving access to audiovisual content and the resulting societal responsibility, the revised AVMSD also obliges video-sharing platforms to provide for effective media literacy measures and tools. Moreover, platforms are required to raise users’ awareness of these measures and tools.
This session will allow participants to discover and discuss EC priorities and initiatives regarding Media Literacy.
– 10:50 – 11:00: Coffee on the go
– 11:00 – 12:30: First round of Master Classes (part 1)
– 12:30 – 14:00: Lunch
– 14:00 – 15:30: First round of Master Classes (part 2)
– 15:30: break
– 16:00 – 18:00: IAME General Assembly
– 19:30: Dinner and Social Event
Jam session: members who are willing to sing, play music, any performance or other propositions are welcome. Interested? Write us on [email protected].
Tuesday 3rd September 2019
– 9:30 – 10:30: Show and tell presentations
We warmly invite all participants to be actors of our event in Brussels. Would you like to present your work or some particular tool/resource during a “show and tell presentation”? We are waiting for your proposal! Please contact us: [email protected].
– 09:30: Cécile Goffard – The European project MEET: Media Education for Equity and Tolerance.
MEET aims at promoting a critical and inter-cultural understanding as well as an aware use of media among young citizens in multicultural public schools and democratic societies. In the framework of MEET, six pedagogical paths were developed and tested in schools in Germany, Slovenia and Italy. This experimentation was filmed and transformed into a “docutorial” to facilitate the ownerships of the pedagogical activities and concepts for teachers across Europe. The show and tell will present some of the MEET videos and explain the challenges and opportunities of filming within a school. More info on https:// meetolerance.eu
– 09:50: Achim Hättich – Minecraft to Read&Writecraft (MIREW)
Modern technologies help children with learning difficulties to learn. Studies show that the targeted use of computer games can promote language development, tested especially in foreign language learning (Sykes, 2018; Tsai & Tsai, 2018). Other positive effects in the cognitive field have also been observed even in action games (Nuyens et al, 2019; Stanmore et al., 2018). The aim of the MIREW project was to investigate to what extent this is also the case for children with language development disorders in integrative or separative settings and whether this also has a positive effect on children without language development disorders. It will also be examined whether a computer game can improve other factors such as well-being or self-regulation and whether the class climate improves. Even teachers should benefit from this.
– 10:10: Martin Culot – Tandem project: the coeducation to improve Media Literacy ?
For one year, Tandem project explored concrete learnings to promote a parents/teacher co-education in primary school classes. The show and tell proposes a feedback about this experimentation and focus on the added value and conditions of this co-education process. The resources site is available at this address (French/Italian): www.mediatandem.eu
– 10:30: Coffee break
– 11:00 – 12:30: Second round of Master Classes (part 1)
– 12:30 – 14:00: Lunch
– 14:00 – 15:30: Second round of Master Classes (part 2)
– 15:30 – 16:30: Closing Plenary session
The meeting will be held at the Institute for Higher Social Communication Studies (IHECS) and its Media Literacy Master degree, located right in the center of Brussels, a stone’s throw from the Grand Place, the famous Manneken Pis and the Central Station.
IHECS – Rue de l’Etuve 58-60 – 1000 Brussels – Belgium
How to reach IHECS?
– After flying to Brussels:
For those arriving in Brussels Zaventem, you can take the train from the airport directly to Brussels Central Station. Check timetables and tickets here: https://www.belgiantrain.be/en
For the ones arriving in Brussels Charleroi, you can take a shuttle bus from the airport going straight to Brussels South Station. Check timetables and tickets here: https://www.flibco.com
-By train to Brussels Central Station (10 minutes on foot) ou Brussels South Station (15 minutes). Info : www.b-rail.be/F/index.html
– By metro : Line 1 or 5 to Brussels Central Station or De Brouckere. Info : www.stib.be.
– By tram : Line 3 or 4 to Station Annessens. Info : www.stib.be.
– By bus : Lines HL, LK, LN, 118, 116, 117 to the bus station “Place Rouppe”. Info : www.stib.be.
Registration fee
The registration fee will be 90 euros for IAME members and 130 euros for non-members. The fee will cover the organizational expenses, the Monday evening dinner, the Monday and Tuesday lunches and the coffee breaks. Travel and accommodation are at the participants’ expenses. Brussels offers a great variety of accommodations, bed and breakfasts and hotels.
IAME offers reduced fare for students : 70 euros. If you’re a student, please write us on [email protected] and send us a document certifying your student status.
General conditions
In case of cancellation, refund is possible until 15/08/2019.
In case of partial participation, the full amount is due.
- You’re already a member of IAME? Please log in (scroll down the page) and register to the Master Class in your member area. Only one registration per affiliate or full member is accepted. A legal entity can register 2 people.
- You aren’t yet member of IAME? You can even join us during the Master Class! But note that the registration fee would be 130 euros instead of 90 euros .
You still have the possibility to become a member prior to your registration ! The IAME membership fee costs 20 euros per year for affiliate member, 50 euros per year for full member and 100 euros per year for legal entity as full member. When your membership will be validated by our board and your member fee paid, you will have access to the member area and could register to the Master Class as a member. More info here.
No refund will be possible in case of wrong choice of registration.
Any question ? Contact us on [email protected].