A MED-IAME joint webinar was offered in Italian on the theme “Media Education during Covid Crisis. The Role of Public Service Broadcasting ” on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 18:00 CET.
(English translation below.)
Sin dal mese di aprile del 2020 la RAI (il servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo italiano), in collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Istruzione, ha sviluppato attraverso RAI Ragazzi due programmi – La Banda dei Fuoriclasse e Diario di Casa – per sostenere le scuole, gli studenti e i genitori durante la pandemia da Covid-19. Durante il webinar Mussi Bollini presenterà i programmi mentre Maria Ranieri e Luciano di Mele illustreranno i principali risultati emersi dalle loro ricerche sui tali programmi. Entrambe le ricerche possono essere scaricate dal sito della rivista open access del MED: https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/med/issue/view/637
MED-IAME joint webinar “Media Education during Covid Crisis. The Role of Public Service Broadcasting ” – Webinar in Italian from IAME on Vimeo.
Mussi Bollini è vice direttrice di RAI Ragazzi. Dal 1981 ha sviluppato per la RAI una lunga serie di programmi per ragazzi di grande successo, come Big, Solletico, GT-RAGAZZI, E’ domenica papà!, Melevisione, Screensaver, Trebisonda and Gran Concerto. Attualmente è consulente per l’Autorità Garante per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza.

Maria Ranieri, PhD, è professore ordinario di Didattica e Tecnologie dell’Istruzione all’Università di Firenze. Ha partecipato e coordinato numerosi progetti europei su media, apprendimento, tecnologia e inclusione sociale. È vice presidente del MED (Associazione italiana Media Education) and co-direttrice della rivista del MED Media Education. Studi, Ricerche, Buone pratiche e del Journal of Media Literacy Education. Ha recentemente contribuito a una ricerca europea sull’impatto del Covid-19 sulla scuola e l’educazione dal titolo What did we learn from schooling practices during the COVID-19 lockdown

Luciano Di Mele, PhD, è ricercatore in Media Education e Tecnologie dell’Educazione all’Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO dove insegna Media Education e Nuovi Media. Ha collaborato a numerosi progetti europei sull’uso delle tecnologie negli ambienti educativi. È segretario generale del MED (Associazione italiana Media Education) e componente dell’Adviosry Board della rivista del MED Media Education. Studi, Ricerche, Buone pratiche

Since April 2020 RAI (the Italian Public Service Broadcasting), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, has developed through RAI Ragazzi two programmes – La Banda dei Fuoriclasse and Diario di Casa – to support schools, students and parents during the Covid crisis. During the webinar Mussi Bollini will introduce the programmes, while Maria Ranieri and Luciano di Mele will illustrate the findings from their recent research on them. Both research studies can be downloaded open access from MED (the Italian Association for Media Education) journal’s website: https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/med/issue/view/637
Mussi Bollini is vice director of RAI Ragazzi. Since 1981, she’s been developing for RAI a series of quite popular children’s programmes, such as Big, Solletico, GT-RAGAZZI, E’ domenica papà!, Melevisione, Screensaver, Trebisonda and Gran Concerto. She is also consultant for the Italian Independent Authority for Children and Adolescents and member of the Board of MED.
Maria Ranieri, PhD, is full professor of Education, Media and Technology at the University of Florence. She has worked on and coordinated a number of European research projects on media, learning, technology and social inclusion. She is Vice-President of MED (Associazione italiana Media Education) and co-editor of MED’s journal Media Education. Studi, Ricerche, Buone pratiche and the Journal of Media Literacy Education. She has recently contributed to a European study on the impact of Covid-19 on schooling and education titled What did we learn from schooling practices during the COVID-19 lockdown
Luciano Di Mele, PhD, is a researcher in Media Education and Technology of Education at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO of Rome, where he teaches Education and New Media. He has been working on several research projects on the use of media technologies in educational environments. He is Secretary General of MED (Associazione italiana Media Education) and member of the Advisory Board of MED’s journal Media Education. Studi, Ricerche, Buone pratiche
Practical details
- Date: Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 18:00 CET
- Language: Italian
- Registration https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAv4qB5DNNNZwlDucoivScKfg1x9LrcE4Gx-gCk0IHIH5d_Q/viewform
- Webex link to the webinar: https://unifirenze.webex.com/unifirenze/onstage/g.php?MTID=efdf849b4ad30c2fc94caf471345f0e9e
- Password: UzCHuSv7y55
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