A reflexion by Maria Leonida, Film Director & Head of Programs Karpos, Greece and IAME member
Now that many of us have been exposed to online sessions as speakers or invited guests, it becomes crucial to form ways of interacting with the audience. Especially if we aim at a rich and reflective experience within the subject of Film and Media Literacy.
As a media trainer, I find the transferability of our hands-on training and live courses challenging in this new set up. Here, I will present some thoughts from my experience as a media tutor during the last couple of months. Apart from being invited as a discussant / co-presenter in a few online film education discussions, I coordinated a 2-day, hybrid, bilingual, Film Education conference titled “Film Education: From Framework to Impact”, on the 10 and 11th of October 2020, in Athens. In addition, I delivered a 2-hour teacher training webinar for the EU project Speak UP-Media For Inclusion for which I tested and applied some interactive elements. My philosophy has always been to offer experiences in parallel to theory. The “try out” approach is strongly connected to understanding the essence and appreciation of the possibilities of audiovisual language.
Read more on her blog: https://karposontheweb.org/a-reflexion-about-media-tutors-in-online-seminars/