IAME is pleased to launch a new webinar series inviting to testify about the impact of the crisis on their specific context.
- What was the impact on your work as a media educator?
- What issues were at the centre of attention? Fake news? Conspiracy theories? Mistrust of traditional media? Scientific information? Freedom of expression?
Save the dates !
Two webinars are already scheduled :
- Monday 18th January 2021 at 12PM CET
- Thursday 11th February 2021 at 4PM CET
Are you willing to join us during our webinar series to testify about your situation and exchange on this subject with the IAME network as a Speaker or a Participant ?
Different languages possibilities are offered: English / French / Italian / German
Each webinar will offer the floor to three people and a time of exchange between participants will be proposed.
Duration: 1 hour.
Webinars are open to IAME members and non-members. But we are happy to have you among us as an IAME member. Consider joining IAME as a member.