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Our members

IAME founding members come from Belgium, Italy, France, Germany and Romania.

While implementing European projects, our founding members have exchanged and shared their knowledge with great results. They have extensive experience in media literacy science, research and practical work. Together they founded IAME in 2017 and they form the management board of the association.

Full list of our members

  • Belgium
    I am a postdoctoral research at Université Saint-Louis in Brussels working on a project called "Algopinion", which looks at the influence of algorithms on the …
  • Luxembourg
    It was during my communication studies, when I discovered the new Master specialized in Media Education that I developed my interest in this field. During my ma…
  • United States of America (the)
    I am a professor and department chair of mass communication with more than 30 years of teaching in higher education. My three main interests are 1) the role o…
  • United States of America (the)
    I am a professor and department chair of mass communication with more than 35 years of experience teaching media communication in higher education. Besides teac…
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