The IAME board was pleased to welcome researchers Stephane Chaudron (Italy) and Anca Velicu (Romania) to share their experience within the KiDiCoTi European research project , which explores how the children’s relationship with the digital world has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and what it might mean for the future.
This webinar was held on Wednesday the 28th April 2021 at 2pm CET. The two researchers explained the context of the research and offer some relevant figures that may interest media educators.
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Around 20 people attented this webinar.
What is KiDiCoTi ?

In March 2020, the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with selected national research teams in EU began the study ‘Kids’ Digital lives in COVID-19 Times’ (KiDiCoTi)to map the evolution of children’s digital engagement during the coronavirus lockdown, with a particular focus on topics like online safety, privacy and well-being.
The knowledge and know-how developed by the recent JRC study ‘young children (0-8) and digital technology’ and its cross-European research network have facilitated this effort. 26 research centers in 15 European countries and the research office of UNICEF take part in this new study, which is ongoing.
The findings are intended to support the EU security union strategy and its new ecosystem as well as the European strategy for a better internet for children relayed by its platform Better Internet for Kids.
This is the third webinar in a series that IAME dedicated to media educators and entitled ‘Meet Media Educators all around the world and their challenges during Covid crisis’. Media educators have been given the floor to testify about the impact of the pandemic on their specific professional contexts.
Gianna Cappello (MED, Italy, and co-founder of IAME) and Nicoleta Fotiade (Mediawize Society, Romania, and co-founder of IAME)
Stephane Chaudron (Italy)

Stéphane Chaudron works on research projects dedicated to (Young) Digital Citizens’ Security and Safety at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Her background is in Social Geography and Science Pedagogy. She has been for years in charge of the coordination of large European Research Networks dedicated to e-Safety, new media education, Standardization and Science Teaching Education (UCLouvain, Imperial College London, European Schoolnet). She has been in charge of the coordination of EC’s research project ‘Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology’ since 2014. She undertook ground-breaking research on security and safety of the Internet of Toys and explores the effect of the digital transformation on the concept of Identity, on the way users manage (or not) their personal data. In March 2020 she initiated and coordinates since, the international and mixed-method study ‘Kids’ Digital lives in COVID-19 Times’. She also contributed to the development of the Happy Onlife toolkit raising awareness on internet risks and opportunities and of Cyber Chronix, an edutainment on Digital rights.
Anca Velicu (Romania)

Anca Velicu is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology (Romanian Academy). Her main research interests include youth’s use of digital technology, parental mediation and the opportunities of new media in education. In the last few years she became interested in digital literacy in early childhood. Some of the last projects in which she has been involved are: Kids’ Digital Lives in Covid-19 times (KiDiCoTi, coord by S. Chaudron, JRC), “Makerspaces in the early years: enhancing digital literacy and creativity” (MakEY, dir. J. Marsh) and COST Action The Digital Literacy and Multimodal Practices of Young Children (DigiLitEY, dir. J. Marsh) where she acted as a co-manager for the relationship with stakeholders. Currently she is the national contact for Romanian in the EU Kids Online Network.</img177|right>
Practical info
• Date: Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 14.00 CET
• Online webinar through Zoom
• Language: English
• Duration: 1H15, including Q&A time
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Save the dates
- An IAME-MED joint webinar will be offered in Italian on the theme “How Television Broadcasting Services can support schools during the pandemic” on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 18:00 CET.
- A new webinar “Meet Media Educators all around the world and their challenges during Covid crisis” dedicated on the theme “Teaching Media Litteracy” will be held on Monday 17th May 2021 at 14:00 CET with Irene Andriopoulou (Greece), Marie-Laure Lullé (Belgium) and Thomas Knaus (Germany).