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Relive the workshop of the European Journalism Symposium

On 25th November, IAME was a partner in a workshop organised as part of the the European Journalism Symposium in Brussels.

The discussion focussed on the role for journalists in Media and Information Literacy

You missed it? Good news: the workshop is available in replay on Youtube.

With Mr. Gilles MILLECAN (Belgium), « Journalism in the classroom » project officer  for the Professional journalists Association (AJP-Association for Professional Journalists); Mr. Patrick VERNIERS (Belgium), founding member of IAME and director of the High council for Media literacy (CSEM- Conseil Supérieur de l’éducation aux médias); Mrs. Juliane VON REPPERT-BISMARCK (Germany), founder of « Lie Detectors ».  Moderated by Mrs. Nicoleta FOTIADE (Romania), founding member of IAME and researcher at Mediawise Society .