The 34. Forum oft he GMK (German Association for Media Literacy, Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur)in Frankfurt 17th to19th November 2017: Futurelab Mediaeducation: Quality, Standards, Profession
During the three days lasting conference, two workshops were hold by speakers from abroad. Based on the report „Mapping of Media Literacy Practices and Actions in the EU“ there were invited Nikos Panagiotou from Greece, Renee Hobbs from the USA, Paul de Theux and Cecil Goffard from Belgium to compare their impressions with the results of the report. The second workshop focussed media education and teacher training. Many media educators don’t know that there is a rather detailed curriculum based on the project „Media and Information Literacy“ of the UNESCO. Three further european projects (MEET, EMELS and Klicksafe What to do about (cyber)bullying? Materials for Systemic intervention and prevention in schools“