In March 2023, the Higher Council for Media Education in French-speaking Belgium becomes a member of IAME.
During its plenary meeting on 13 March 2023, the Higher Council for Media Education (CSEM) decided to join IAME. The aim of this council is to develop media education in French-speaking Belgium, both in the school sector and in the lifelong learning sector. It is composed of about a hundred members from the sectors of training, education, media, social communication, youth, continuing education… It also includes representatives of the Government and the Administration of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
“It is with great enthusiasm that the Board took this decision”, explains Paul de Theux, President of the CSEM. “IAME is an opportunity to develop international contacts and exchanges. Media education is present and organised in many countries and the sharing of experiences, projects and perspectives is a great opportunity to enrich the reflections and activities of the members of the Council.“
The CSEM was created in 1995 and was the subject of a decree in 2008. It develops its activities by relying on several mechanisms. Firstly, a support service within the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation responsible for the effective implementation of its decisions. Secondly, decentralised resource centres that are directly active in the field. And finally, specific initiatives such as “Journalists in the classroom”, “Open my daily newspaper”, “Wide screen on blackboard”, “Calls for school projects”, etc.
Since its creation, the CSEM has published numerous position papers aimed at identifying the evolution, the effects and the uses of the media and thus at clarifying the specific nature of media education. It can count on a wide range of competences and a solid expertise in the elaboration of tools and the organisation of activities and events.
Furthermore, one of its decree missions is to provide advice and formulate proposals in the field of media education.