Dear IAME members,
We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend our statutory General Assembly 2023 that will be held on Thursday 28th September 2023 at 2PM CET.
This annual meeting is the best time to meet the administration board and all the members who make up the association. It’s an important meeting at which we can all discuss and decide on the future of the association and the direction we want to take for future activities. We look forward to seeing you there!
The General Assembly will be held online on Zoom:
Following the statutes of the association, as full member or legal entity member, you will have a voting right and can candidate to become member of the management board of the association. As affiliate member, you are welcome to contribute without voting right. Note that only members in order of contribution can participate to the general assembly.
Not yet a member? Please complete or renew your membership by logging on to
Your participation to this assembly is important for the governance of our new association. If you are not able to join, you are invited to give a mandate to another full member that is able to join.
Agenda of the General Assembly 2023:
- Welcome and agenda
- Approval of the General Assembly agenda
- Approval of the General Assembly 2022 report
- Presentation of activity report 2022
- About memberships
- Discussion and approval of activity report 2022
- Financial report
- Discussion and approval
- Budget 2023
- Discussion and approval
- Discharged to the management board members
- Further developments of the association, discussion and sharing opinions
Here are the documents you will need to prepare for the meeting: